Friday 5 March 2021

Memorial for departed


Weekdays begin here

P: Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.  Amen.

R: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on usX3

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.  Amen

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. O Lord, cleanse us from our sins. O Master, pardon our offences. O Holy One, visit and heal our weakness, for your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. X3

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, both now and for ever, and to the ages of ages.  Amen.

Our Father in heaven, may your name be holy. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us. Do not bring us to the time of trial, but save us from evil.

P: For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to ages of ages. Amen.

Sundays at end of Liturgy begin here:

Evlogitaria of Departed

Psaltes normally

Tone 5

1: Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes.  Ps 118

The choir of saints has found the Source of life and the Gate of Paradise. I myself have found the way through repentance. O Saviour, I am the lost sheep, call me back and save me.

Благословен еси, Господи, научи мя оправданием Твоим. (Пс.118:12)

Святых лик обрете источник жизни и дверь райскую, да обрящу и аз путь покаянием: погибшее овча аз есмь, воззови мя Спасе, и спаси мя. 

2: Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes.  Ps 118

You formed me from nothing in past time and honoured me with your divine image. You returned me to the earth from where I was taken because I disobeyed your commandment. Reform me in your likeness and renew my former beauty.

Благословен еси, Господи, научи мя оправданием Твоим.

Древле убо от не сущих создавый мя, и образом Твоим Божественным почтый, преступлением же заповеди паки мя возвративый в землю, от неяже взят бых, на еже по подобию возведи древнею добротою возобразитися.

3: Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes.  Ps 118

I am an image of your ineffable glory although I bear the marks of offences. O Master, take pity on your creature, purify me in your mercy and grant me the fatherland for which I long. Make me once again a citizen of Paradise.

Благословен еси, Господи, научи мя оправданием Твоим. 

Образ есмь неизреченныя Твоея славы, аще и язвы ношу прегрешений: ущедри Твое создание Владыко, и очисти Твоим благоутробием, и возжеленное отечество подаждь ми, рая паки жителя мя сотворяя. 

4: Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes.  Ps 118

O God, give rest to your servants and establish them in Paradise where the choirs of the saints and the just shine like stars. Give rest to your sleeping servants and overlook all their offences.

Благословен еси, Господи, научи мя оправданием Твоим. 

Упокой Боже рабы Твоя, и учини я в раи, идеже лицы святых Господи, и праведницы сияют яко светила, усопшия рабы Твоя упокой, презирая их вся согрешения. 


Let us devoutly praise the three Lights of the one Divinity as we cry, “Holy are you, the eternal Father, the co-eternal Son and the divine Spirit!  Enlighten us as we worship you in faith and snatch us from the eternal fire.

Слава: Трисиятельное единаго Божества, благочестно поем вопиюще: Свят еси Отче Безначальный, Собезначальный Сыне, и Божественный Душе: просвети нас верою Тебе служащих, и вечнаго огня исхити. 

Both now:

Hail, O honoured Lady! You gave birth to God in the flesh for the salvation of all. The human race has found salvation through you. O pure and blessed Theotokos, let us find Paradise through you. 

И ныне: Радуйся Чистая, Бога плотию рождшая во спасение всех, Еюже род человеческий обрете спасение: Тобою да обрящем рай, Богородице Чистая благословенная. 

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!  Glory to you, O God!  X3

Priest or Psaltes:

Kontakion Tone 8

O Christ, grant rest to the soul of your servant with the saints, where there is no pain, sorrow or sighing, but eternal life.

Со святыми упокой, Христе, души раб Твоих, идеже несть болезнь, ни печаль, ни воздыхание, но жизнь безконечная.


Tone 4

O Saviour, grant rest to the soul of your servant with the spirits of the just made perfect. O Lover of the human race, retain it for the life of blessedness with you.

Со духи праведных скончавшихся, души раб Твоих, Спасе, упокой, сохраняя их во блаженной жизни, яже у Тебе, Человеколюбче.

O Lord, grant rest to the soul of your servant in your resting place where all your saints find rest, for you alone are immortal. 

В покоищи Твоем, Господи, идеже вси святии Твои упокоеваются, упокой и души раб Твоих, яко Един еси Человеколюбец.


You are our God who descended to Hades and ended the suffering of those who had been bound. O Saviour, grant rest also to the soul of your servant. 

Слава: Ты еси Бог сошедый во ад, и узы окованных разрешивый, Сам и души раб Твоих упокой.

Both now:

O only pure and spotless Virgin, you ineffably conceived God. Intercede for the soul of your servant to receive mercy and forgiveness. 

И ныне: Едина чистая и непорочная Дево, Бога без семене рождшая, моли спастися душам их.


P/D: O God, have mercy on us in your great mercy. We implore you, “Listen and have mercy.”

Lord have mercy.  X3

Again we pray for the repose of the soul of God’s servant N, who has fallen asleep, that he/she may be pardoned for every offence, both voluntary and involuntary.

Lord have mercy.  X3

That the Lord our God will place his/her soul where the just repose. Let us ask Christ, our immortal King and God, for the mercies of God, the kingdom of heaven and the forgiveness of his/her sins.

Lord have mercy.  X3

D: Let us pray to the Lord.

R: Lord, have mercy.

P: O God of spirits and all flesh, you have trampled down death, crushed the devil and given life to your world. O Lord, grant rest to the soul of your servant N who has fallen asleep, in a place of light, a place of green pasture, and a place of refreshment, where there is no pain, grief or sighing. O God, since you are good and love the human race, pardon every sin committed by him/her in word or deed or thought, because there is no one who lives and does not sin. You alone are without sin. Your justice is eternal and your word is truth. 

Боже духов и всякия плоти, смерть поправый и диавола упразднивый, и живот мiру Твоему даровавый: Сам, Господи, упокой души усопших рабов Твоих [имярек], в месте светле, в месте злачне, в месте покойне, отнюдуже отбеже болезнь, печаль и воздыхание. Всякое согрешение, содеянное ими словом, или делом, или помышлением, яко благий человеколюбец Бог, прости, яко несть человек, иже жив будет и не согрешит. Ты бо Един кроме греха, правда Твоя правда во веки, и слово Твое истина.

For you, O Christ our God, are the resurrection, the life and the repose of your servant N, who has fallen asleep. We glorify you, together with your Father who is without beginning, and your all-holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and for ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Dismissal of Liturgy on Sundays, rather than below:


P: Glory to you, Christ God, our hope, glory to you!

R: Glory: Both now: Lord have mercy X3.  Father, bless.

P: May the one who has authority over the living and the dead, as immortal King, Christ our true God who rose from the dead, through the intercessions of his most pure and holy Mother, of the holy, glorious and all-praised Apostles, of our venerable and God-bearing fathers, of the holy and glorious forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of the holy and just friend Lazarus who was four days in the tomb, and of all the saints, place the soul of his servant who has left us in the dwellings of just. May he grant him/her rest in the bosom of Abraham and number them him/her among the just. May he also have mercy on us and save us, for he is a good God and loves the human race.

May your memory be eternal, our brother/sister, for you are worthy of blessedness and eternal memory.

P: O Lord Jesus Christ, save us through the prayers of our holy fathers. Amen.

Молитвами святых отец наших, Господи, Иисусе Христе, Боже наш, помилуй нас. Амин.

Priest and/or psaltes: Memory eternal! X3